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We need drugs! Why cystic fibrosis drug still hasn’t been approved


Following the recent listing of the drug, Kalydeco on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, cystic fibrosis sufferers are desperate for the approval of the similar durg, Orkambi. But medical experts are doubtful that Orkambi will be available in Australia.

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Universities need to improve mental health support


With the majority of university and TAFE students struggling with mental health issues - from stress to having suicidal thoughts - do universities need to step up in supporting the mental health of their students?


Gilbert Siahaan reports.

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Why aren't we eating our vegetables?


A study conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) found that the majority of Australians are not eating the suggested amount of fruits and vegetables, and 18-30 year olds are one of the most deficient age groups when it comes to healthy eating. But what is it about eating fruits and vegetables that turn young adults off?

Gilbert Siahaan has more.

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Fear the smear? Paps to change


The renewed cervical cancer-screening program that is set to roll out at the end of this year is causing many concerns for women. The two yearly Pap test for women aged 18 to 69 will now be changed to a five yearly HPV test for women aged 25 to 74. But what exactly does this mean for young women and why are so many worried?


Rachel O’Connor reports.

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Contraception perception


What is your perception on contraception? What influenced you to choose what you use? Tilly Lock, reporter from XWHYZ dives into these questions today with Sarah Robson – a Medical Practice Receptionist, and Tom West – a third year nursing student, to help surface the core root of where we find out what is best for us and why we choose these options.

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Why meaning gets lost in the slang


In young Australians aged 16-24 years, it is estimated that approximately 3.2% of males and 3.6% of females have had bipolar disorder in their lifetime. So why is it so common to use the word 'bipolar' for other things besides identifying a mental health disorder? Noelle Reyes reports on how patients have been misdiagnosed and why using the term as a normal adjective is damaging our response to mental health.

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Why we need deeper insight into Gen Y’s mental health


The Australian Psychological Society Survey reported lower levels of well being among Gen Y. The survey was undertaken in 2015, yet two years on Health professionals say the state of our mental health is not improving. Bridget Elias reports on why we need to deconstruct the stigma surrounding mental health and the need for updated research.

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